January 4, 2010

Artist Michelle Scott

This painter is from Texas, and I met her when I was living in Chicago.  Really interesting work, using media in a new, interesting way. Check it out:

Recent Works

I've been working on a series on touch.  The paintings deal with our physical interaction with others and the reciprocity of our touch.  Also important is the physicality of our existence and our constant interaction with our skin and other objects, materials, and beings.  I'm still experimenting with materials- having used oil paint, plaster, fabric and thread.

Illustrator Kat Macleod

I came across Kat Macleod about a year ago when I bought The Cocktail- 200 Fabulous Drinks by Jane Rocca.  I was drawn to the book mostly because of the cover and her quirky female characters.  She's created a very stylized look through watercolor and mixed media like fabric and patterned paper.  Take a look!

link: kat macleod